GNSS use and mapping in humanitarian applications

OziExplorer for Android

OziExplorer for Android is an application that runs on devices, typically tablets and smart phones, that use an Android (4.1/5/6/7/8/9(PIE)/10+) operating system.  It provides interaction between a georeferenced map image and an onboard GNSS unit or an external GNSS unit accessible by Bluetooth.

    Setting up

The infield operation of OziExplorer for Android is preferably done with a Android device with GNSS onboard rather than using a Bluetooth connection to another device.  Sometimes it can difficult to determine from the scant specification provided if a tablet has genuine GNSS onboard as distinct from "assisted GNSS" or some other technology – take care if purchasing a unit.

In the setup procedure you may need to interface the Android unit with a desk top computer via USB link, Bluetooth or SD shuffle.

The installation process is detailed via OziExplorer home.  Initially you install a trial version (fully featured but with a couple of niggle items) which you then register later.  The procedure went without a hitch when MapToGround installed the application on a tablet running Android 10.

Before registering your installation of OziExplorer for Android check the trial version, in particular confirm the GNSS capabilities of your device.

    Map file production – file generation/conversion

OziExplorer for Android requires two files per map, as does OziExplorerPC, however the file formats used by the two applications do not match.  The OziExplorer for Android files are generated from the files used by OziExplorerPC using a free conversion program that runs under Windows operating system.  The conversion program con be found by following the "Utilities" link on the OziExplorer home page.

OziExplorerPC files and OziExplorer for Android files are available for the maps on this site.  If OziExplorerPC files are not available they can be generated (provided a raster image is available) by using a registered copy of OziExplorerPC.

    OziExplorer and JPEG files – jpg and jpeg file extensions

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) files commonly have jpg or jpeg file extensions.  Map Action JPEG files have jpeg extensions.  The current version of OziExplorer does not recognize the jpeg extension, it is necessary to rename the jpeg extension to jpg for use with OziExplorer.

Updated: 27 May 2024       MapToGround introduced July 2010.       site management